Smart Tasks Student Discount
Smart Tasks is committed to helping students experience the power of Smart Tasks +.

33% off the annual subscription ($17.99)!
66% off 12 months of the monthly subscription ($35.99)!
Please use your university email.
How do I get the student discount?
Fill out the form above! If you have an active .edu email and have not received the discount already, you will receive a redeemable code!
How do I redeem the App Store code?
You can either use the provided App Store link or open Smart Tasks and go to “Options” -> “Settings” and scroll down to “Redeem code”.
How long does it take to receive a code?
If you use your .edu email, the form’s confirmation message will have your code with redemption steps! Otherwise you’ll receive an email within four business days. However, most requests are completed on the same day.
If it’s been longer than four days, fill out the form again and double-check your email is spelled correctly. Sometimes people mistype their email, and there’s no way of sending the code without a valid email address.
I do not use USD currency. How much is the discount in my preferred currency?
The student discount for most currencies and regions is around 33% off the annual subscription! The discount will adjust for your preferred currency.
I’m in an International University or High School that does not have a .edu email. Can I still get the student discount?
Of course! Just fill out the form with your school’s email and their name.
Are teachers eligible for the discount?
Yep! Just fill out the form with your school’s email and name.